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Welcome to a Glimpse into Meagan's Journey! Follow my stories of school, Toronto life and much more. Happy reading!

Hi, I'm Meagan!

Hi, I'm Meagan!

Hi! My name is Meagan M. and I want to welcome you to my blog, A Glimpse Of Meagan’s Journey!

First I want to just tell you all a little about myself. I am 22 years old and a student living in Toronto, Canada. Although I have lived in Toronto for majority of my life, I was born in Montreal and also lived in Houston for close to a decade. Each move brought my family and I closer to our ever-growing Filipino family located across the globe. However I have lived in Toronto for majority of my life and consider it my home.


So now the big question is: what is your blog about? Well, I am about to embark on a different career path and figured why not document and share my experiences as time passes. Just this past June, I graduated from the University of Toronto with an Honours Bachelor of Science. As my time as an undergrad was finishing quickly, decisions had to be made on what was next for me. In the end I decided not to further pursue further education in the Sciences and instead decided to break into the new and upcoming Digital Marketing industry.


Aside from my career transition and I’ll also delve into my what seems like a never-ending transition into “adulthood” and what its like to be a millennial living in Toronto.

Well that’s it for my first ever blog post! Check back regularly as you will get to read about my stories of school, Toronto life and who knows what else! Until the next post, gear up for a Glimpse Of Meagan’s Journey!

Two Months Into My New Life... Update!

Two Months Into My New Life... Update!