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5 Essential Tips on How to Start Baking

5 Essential Tips on How to Start Baking

So I hear you want to get into the kitchen and start baking? Well I think that's amazing as there can be so many reasons as to why now is the time to get baking. I really got into baking as a way to take a break from school and get a change of scenery from my laptop screen. I absolutely love watching my ingredients form into a cookie dough or cake batter. Although my absolute favorite part about baking is eating the final product, but that’s something pretty much anyone loves. Keep on reading to see what my 5 essential tips on how to start baking!

1.     Start with a baker’s beginner full-proof recipe: cookies!

In my opinion, cookies are the easiest recipes to start baking with because cookie recipes do not involve a lot of intricate steps to get to the delicious end product. Also cookie dough recipes use easy-to-find ingredients at your local grocery store. So you won’t have to go searching high and low for obscure ingredients that you also may not be comfortable baking with. Now you may be thinking what is my recommendation for what type of cookie to kick-start your baking expedition? My first suggestion is to pick something you’ll actually want to eat! So if you absolutely love oatmeal raisin cookies or peanut butter cookies, bake that! However, if you’re still unsure, I suggest going with the classic chocolate chip cookie. It is known as a classic cookie for a reason – you can never go wrong with it! Also that means there are just so many recipes available for you to use that have been perfected by many people and almost guaranteeing you a scrumptious cookie!

2.     Do your recipe research.

Once you’ve picked what you want to bake, it is time for you to check out the options for a recipe! When I am looking for something new to bake there are a few things I keep my eyes out when researching. First I look at the ratings – just as online shopping try to pick a recipe that has a high rating. Next, I scroll right down to the bottom of the recipe to read some of the reviews people have left. This section is probably the most useful section since these people have actually tried out the recipe themselves and are giving you their opinions. Sometimes they even give input on some modifications that make the recipe better. Or even some tips on the easiest way to execute the recipe. The final piece I look at is the serving size and the amount of time needed. I have found myself ready to try a new recipe with only about an hour to bake and find out that the particular recipe I have chosen actually needs twice the amount of time. Other times I have baked a recipe without looking at how many cookies it was going to bake and have ended up with over 30 cookies. Let’s just say my friends and family loved having the excess cookies!

3.     Follow the recipe exactly how it is written.

After picking the recipe I recommend you read the recipe in full, from start to finish. When you’re starting out baking you can sometimes skip a step or mix things in the wrong order. Unlike cooking, baking can be unforgiving if ingredients are mixed out of order. I myself have skipped steps by mistake or forgotten ingredient and I’ve ended up with some really lumpy batter or broken up icing. The precise method of combining ingredients is one thing I absolutely love about baking; the methodical procedure is what I look forward to. Attempting a recipe for the first time is not the time to experiment. The exact measurements listed are there for a reason and until you are more comfortable with how ingredients combine and the consistency of batter, you should just stick to the recipe.

4.     Lay out everything you will need before you start.

Having all of your ingredients and supplies out ready to go makes baking much easier and you’ll be less likely to make a mistake by forgetting an ingredient. I for one can vouch for how essential it is to be fully prepared before baking. And let’s just say that forgetting to put sugar in cupcakes is a recipe for disaster – my dad was an unfortunate taste tester for that batch! Another little tip when gathering ingredients is to always use room temperature ingredients as it makes combining them much easier.

5.     Don’t get bogged down or discouraged!

Remember the reason you decided to start baking! Since it is the first time you’re attempting a baking recipe there can be a lot of fancy equipment or daunting new terms that can distract you from the reason you are in the kitchen.  I too can find myself overwhelmed by all the various techniques there are for making just a cookie or how to ice a cupcake. My biggest advice is to start off simple and as you gain the confidence try out new tricks!

There you have it! These are #BakingWithMegs 5 essential tips on how unleash your inner baker. Let me know if you decided to create anything in the kitchen and use my hashtag so I can see your progress and creations! Until next time and don’t forget to check back for more of a Glimpse of Meagan’s Journey! Happy baking!

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