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How to Start Volunteering!

How to Start Volunteering!


So far you, my readers, have learned that I go to school, and bake (A LOT). But one thing that is extremely important to me is volunteering. Being able to give some of my own time to help others is something my parents have instilled in my brother and I for as long as I can remember.

I want to tell you a little bit about my current volunteer position and what it has taught me. I volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House Charities Toronto as a Family Service Support Volunteer. To sum up my role at the House, I am on the front-of-the-line. I am the first person families’ see when they arrive at the House. I have learned the ins and the outs of the House so that I can help the staff with whatever needs to get done. 

Over the past 2 years, I have learned how magical this place is for families during what can be the hardest time in their lives. I will never take for granted how lucky I am to be associated with such an amazing organization that works towards making the life of families with sick children just a little bit easier. It is crazy to think that in the heart of downtown Toronto there is a building that families call home for a range of few days to over a year’s time. The House takes the time to celebrate all the major holidays, celebrate milestones and to make it feel as much as home to everyone staying at the House as possible.

In general, my favorite time of the year is the Christmas season. You can feel the joy and happiness in the air. The House goes ALL OUT for Christmas time because it can be the hardest time for families to be away from home. Time and time again the House surprises me with more ways than I can imagine that adds a little more magic to the experience. The House gets decked out in Christmas decorations, kids can participate in all the holiday activities AND even Santa makes an appearance Christmas morning.

My time at the House has given me the idea that an ultimate career goal is to work at a non-for-profit organization. Being a part of the Ronald McDonald House Charities connects us with SickKids. SickKids Foundation to date has some of the most impressive marketing campaigns. Their latest campaign has a goal to raise $1.3 billion to build a new hospital and I have had the honor of meeting some of the stars of this campaign. If you haven't seen any of their campaigns, please check them out! But don't forget to have a tissue at hand because some of them can be real tear-jerkers. Ultimately, I want to be able to part of something like that and help create campaigns that invoke emotions, create lasting impressions and be overall inspirational.

I could probably talk about the House for hours on end, but I won’t. I want to help you find a way to get involved and volunteer. I want to be able for you to share the feelings I have from being a volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House. One thing I want to say before I give you some tips is that I urge you to volunteer because it is one the most rewarding experiences I have had. So, let’s delve into what I believe are the benefits of volunteering and how to find something that you will find fulfilling and enjoyable!


1.     Use this time to get away from your work. As a student, having a volunteering position gave me a break from all things school. My first year of university was rough; solely focusing on school did not set me up for success. Committing to volunteering on a regular basis helped me with time management and also gave my brain a breather. And let me tell you, giving myself a break from school for a few hours a week was the best decision I could have made.

2.      Discover or re-discover a passion of yours. I have always loved working with kids. All of my high school jobs I ever had involved working with kid. I worked as a summer camp counsellor and a swimming instructor. So when I was looking for a volunteer position it only made sense for me to find one where I got to work with kids. I began volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House Charities Toronto over 2 and half years ago and I don’t think I could ever leave this amazing organization.

3.     Become an active member in your community and actively make a difference! I strongly believe that volunteering is the easiest way to get involved in your community. My earliest memory of volunteering was at my church, my church regularly held garage sales and food fairs. Then later on in high school, it was a requirement to volunteer and one of my favourite events to help out in was the holiday Turkey Drive hosted by Second Harvest. Not only does giving your time to your community benefit others, but also it is always nice to have that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you do something good.


1.     Start small! Find events around your city that need help for a few hours. This is a great way to figure out what type of volunteering work you would want to do. Or you may realize you really enjoy just helping out at random events. Or single events may work best for your schedule, as there is no huge commitment. The holiday season is the perfect time to get started because organizations are always looking for short-term volunteers to help with events, food drives, etc.

2.     Pick a volunteering position that you will enjoy committing your time to.  You know yourself best and you know what you like best. If you want to work directly with people look into helping out at a senior’s home, hospitals or community centers. Maybe you’re more of an animal person, so look into your local animal shelters for opportunities. You’d be surprised on the amount of places looking for volunteers!

3.     Do your research! Like I said, it is quite surprising the number of places that are looking for volunteering. Look to see if your city has a volunteering website where anyone in the city can post positions that are seeking volunteers. When you find a position you like, look at the requirements such as time commitment. However, if you don’t feel you meet the requirements always send a quick email or message to the contact and they may be able to work something out with you.

Now I am nowhere near an expert in all things volunteering, but these are just my two cents on how to get out there to give your time to help others. In my honest opinion, I think volunteering is the best thing you can do for yourself. I definitely consider it a win-win situation for everyone!

Until next time! Don’t forget to check back for more into A Glimpse Of Meagan’s Journey!

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